I see the bright golden rays of the sun streaming against the dark green foilage just outside the patio door windows. A hint of more to come our way today and throughout the week.
The week's calendar is filled with all kinds of things -- from house guests, to a baseball game and an NHA presentation to staff at a local center and possibly, a dinner party thrown in as well amongst the everyday stuff that is work related and general chores.
It was wonderful to attend church yesterday -- to be back home and see friends and "church" family again. I have missed that. The messages are well timed and I'm guessing that my heart isn't the only one that needs to hear the m. I'm grateful for the blessings I was gifted yesterday and for friendships and more. I just wish the headache wouldn't have flared during the meeting.... oh well, we'll try again next week.
No crafting yesterday -- my head and eyes weren't cooperating.
Sending an order of 2 dozen cards out today...just need to get that stamp printed and on the priority envelope for it to be mailed. The second order will be picked up on Thursday and I just need to get them in a box and hopefully, they'll fit in his bag to take home on the plane.
Today's thought is:
Every day matters. -- Unknown
and don't forget to Nurture your heart today and share the joy!