It's a Kaboodle Bug Design week!
Dress up a notepad or notebook using a cover. For this sample, I choose to use a fabric cover.
You'll need:
pre-washed fabric (I used some medium weight muslin)
thin batting
Tulip® Fabric Markers
eBrush with Sharpie adapter and foam pencil cushion
Notepad (mine measures about 5.5 x 8.5 inches)
Stencil material
Electronic Cutting Machine and software
Sewing Machine, thread, scissors
You can freehand your design or use stencils as I have done.
Apple Bookworm file (from
Measure your notepad. To measure your fabric pieces for cutting: double the width or your notepad and add 1.5 inches. For the height, measure the height and add 1.5 inches. You'll need to cut 2 pieces of fabric and one of batting. My fabric and batting for this particular cover, measured 12.5 inches w by 9.5 inches h.
Set aside the batting and one piece of fabric.
You'll want to cover your surface with some plastic. Remember, you're using fabric markers and if you're wanting to preserve your manicure, gloves might be helpful.
Secure your fabric to the work surface if need be. I'm using stencils and the stencil basically covered the area I was going to use the eBrush on, so I just use that to keep my fabric in place. Using the markers and eBrush, spray as desired. The Alpha file is one I've had for a while and I think it's an Ali Edwards file.
Since KaDoodleBugDesigns is a sponsor this month, I'm also using one of Melissa's files -- called Apple Bookworm and fabric piecing the "painted" pieces to the cover.
I used a scrap of fabric about 5 x 7 inches to stencil the worm and the apple. Once colored using the ebrush and markers, I added a little more dimension with the fine tip of the marker.
The brush tip was used to spray all the pieces with the eBrush. Use some Therm-O-Web to bond the fabric so you can "fuse" it to the cover. Cut the pieces. You could choose to use your electronic cutting machine to do the cutting before you color... I just cut mine by hand! :)
Once all the pieces are colored and cut, fuse as desired to the fabric cover piece. I used a stencil to draw on the eyeglasses and left the arms off for this sample. The apple, stem and leaf are all one piece. To set the colors, follow the manufacturer's directions for the markers you're using.
Now that you have all the coloring and set the dye simply stack from the bottom up, batting, cover face up and the 2nd piece of fabric. Pin. Stitch using a 1/4 inch wide seam. Be sure to leave about a 2 inch opening along one long edge. I chose the top edge along what would be the back of the cover. Trim the corners to remove some of the bulk. Carefully turn the cover right side out. You can finger press the seams or get your iron out and press.
Place the notepad on the inside of the back cover. I secured mine with a couple of hook and loop dots ( you can replace them as you switch out notebooks) Since this pad will stay on my desk, I'm not going to need to secure the cover with a closure, but you certainly could.
Thanks for dropping by and don't miss out on all the rest of the fabulous projects being shared by the design team this week and next! Hoping you've set some time aside in your craftroom this week!
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