I'm so excited to share this first project for a new term on Craftwell's eBrush Team!
Childhood memories came flooding back when I found some violets growing in what I thought was our barren yard. Surprise!
Seeing the blossom was my inspiration for this month's eBrush project.
for this project you'll need:
eBrush (marker adapter and siphon adapter)
heart pattern
stencil (my own)
markers (permanent and water fast)
Fabric (scraps will do if you choose to do a scrappy heart - at least 4 inch squares for the heart top)
Fat quarter for heart base
Muslin (for inner bag)
embroidery floss
sewing machine
thread similar in color to your fabric
natural cotton batting (thin)
lace and other embellishments as desired
Let's get started:
Brew your tea. Set aside.
Choose your fabric for the stenciled element and spray as desired. I sprayed the leaves first and then the blossoms. It was easy peasy. I added a little bit of yellow marker to the flower centers. Make sure the fabric is completely dry before the next step.
Set up your siphon. I used a bottle, not the cup for this project. Protect all your surfaces if you're spraying inside -- I did experience a bit of overspray. I saturated each piece of fabric I wanted to have a vintage look with the regular tea. For the blue/pink pieces, I used a pomegranate infused tea, which left a beautiful shade of light blue and a deeper pink when saturated a second time with the tea. You can also spray the lace pieces if you'd like.
I even used the tea on an old lace curtain panel -- It turned out yummy looking.
See how pink that tea is? Depending on the fabric content, depends on how the fabric colors.
Now that all of your pieces are eBrushed, it's time to put your "crazy quilt" together. I wanted the violets to be the focal point on this piece, so I started with that. I drew a heart on some copy paper. Added a few more lines to crisscross on the back of the heart (you'll stitch from that side) and placed the focal piece where I wanted it face up. Laying the second piece face down, Carefully flip the fabric and paper to the back side and pin. Stitch with the sewing machine. Trim that seam to 1/4 inch or slightly less. Finger press the seam. Add the next piece of fabric, face down and repeat as needed. Once all of the pieces have been stitched, trim your new fabric to the heart shape and remove the paper from the back. Cut a piece of batting just slightly smaller than the heart and place it under the stitched heart. Add your embroidery stitches and lacey trims, seed beads and any other embellishments you want securing with thread through all layers. Set aside.
Cut 2 hearts about 1/2 inch larger than your stitched heart from some coordinating fabric from the fat quarter. Stitch a 1/4 inch seam around the outer edges, leaving about 2 inches open on one side to turn and stuff.
From the muslin, cut another pair of hearts. Stitch as above, leaving an opening for stuffing. Clip the curves on both of the hearts (not the quilted heart); turn and press. Carefully, insert the muslin heart into the fabric heart. Stuff with fiber fill or poly pellets to desired firmness. Stitch the muslin heart closed, then the fabric heart closed. Lay the quilted heart on top of the now stuffed fabric heart, centering. Pin in place. Carefully stitch the quilted heart to the fabric heart using a blanket stitch or other decorative stitch. If desired, grab the eBrush and the siphon and some tea and add a little more "color" to the edges of the hearts if desired for a more aged look. Don't over saturate. Let dry.
If desired, stitch a length of ribbon at the top of the heart to hang. This heart can be used as decor or as a pin cushion.
Thanks for dropping by. Be sure to stop by Craftwell's blog again tomorrow and Friday for more fabulous projects by the designers for this term.