While the pandemic (COVID) continues to create new "normals" on a daily basis, there are more new beginnings for us as well this year.
My plans to retire late 2021 were sped up a bit in late December of 2020 and I was launched into the realm of being free to rethink the timeline. There's a part of me that is ecstatic about new opportunities and more time to craft and create during the hours I used to spend working.
New opportunities await -- ideas and projects that were pushed to the back burner are now moving to the front and may finally see the light of day much sooner than previously thought.
Looking forward to new beginnings starting now.
Let's begin with a stack of Thank You cards.
CAS panel - 3.5 x 3.5 print 2 cut on Kraft
card base - 4 x 8 colored base, scored at 4 along the 8 inch side.
Adhere panel to card base front*.
** I chose to insert one of the thank you cards in a frame as a gift for a special friend. The "box" also contains a small gift.
All Occasion cards
Panel - 3.75 x 5.00 speech bubble cut out with word (designed in eCal3 and cut on eclips2
card base - 4.25 x 11.00, scored at 5.50 along the 11 inch side.
Attach panel to card base.
Glue another copy of the word on the card panel
And lastly, Photo print Cards
Panel - print 2 cut image panel (4.00 x 5.25), designed in eCal 3 and cut on eclips2 (photo credit to Debi Tullier)
Vinyl - cut and apply focus word (631 vinyl)
Card base - 4.25 x 11.00, scored at 5.50 along the 11 inch side.
Attach card panel to card base.
*Scor-tape and Lineco glue used for these projects.
AC cardstock used for all card bases and boxes in this post
Hoping your outlook for creating time is looking great this year! Let's get ready for some major creative play!